In "Twilight Tails," two origami foxes meet under a gently hanging paper moon. The scene captures a moment of whimsical charm as the foxes seem to engage in a lighthearted social meetup under the moonlit sky. The artwork exudes a sense of fun and magic, inviting viewers into a world filled with laughter and the joy of newfound friendship. "Twilight Tails" captures the playful spirit of these foxes, creating an enchanting story that resonates with the carefree delight of a moonlit rendezvous.
My collection of origami paintings is a delightful series that transports viewers to a realm of innocent joy and boundless curiosity. Each artwork weaves enchanting narratives and conjures vivid settings that ignite imagination. This series also serves as an ode to the inherent delight found in humble objects, evoking cherished memories of our past and reminding us of the profound significance we once bestowed upon these seemingly ordinary treasures.
Twilight Tails
Oil on wood, ready to hang.
Signed on the back.
This artwork comes with an external frame
30cm (W) x 30cm (H) artwork only size
33cm (W) x 33cm (H) x 3.5cm (D) framed size